
Water Is Life International Poster Competition

deadline expires at midnight on 31 December 2010

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Descripción del concurso:

International poster competition for students on the theme: ‘Water is Life’ We are calling on all students studying fine arts, design, communication design and architecture to enter the international poster competition ‘Water is Life 2010/2011’.

The aim of the competition is not only to demonstrate that the younger generations are prepared to bear their share of the responsibility for our world but, first and foremost, to publicise the message that ‘Water is Life’ to a broad public by means of worldwide exhibitions.

This is even more significant given the fact that on 28 July 2010 the United Nations General Assembly incorporated the ‘right to clean water’ in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

“Worldwide, 884 million people have inadequate access to clean water and more than 2.6 billion people do not have basic sanitation. Each year, around two million people die as a result of drinking polluted water, most of whom are children,” explains UN Ambassador Peter Wittig (source: Zeit online).
However, as with the entire Declaration of Human Rights, the right to clean water is not binding under international law.

The inclusion of this article in the Declaration nevertheless has an important symbolic value and will enable a certain degree of influence to be exerted in politics, business and society.

Páginas Sociales del Diseño e Ilustración en Colombia

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